Teachers' View Points : Physics

Physics is one of the most difficult subjects in the HSC examination. This is because of the very wide syllabus and and the depth involved in most topics. Students will no doubt find the subject difficult to understand in Lower Six but will have a better picture when the Syllabus is completed. Students will be lost if they do not keep up with the lessons. For the weaker students, they should have a working idea of all the topics and concentrate on the topics they are good in. In Practical Physics (Paper 5), students should develop the habit of recording and completing their report during the practical period itself. Measurements must be written to the correct order of accuracy and units. Precautions should be stated and final answers given to the required order of accuracy.

In theory papers, none of them can be singled out as being the most difficult. It all depends on the questions set for each paper for that particular year. Students should never memorize contents of their textbooks or solutions to particular questions and hope to reproduce them during the examination. Instead they should understand the principles involved and apply them to solve the various problems. Try to test your understanding by trying to solve simple problems first. If you fail to do so, then go back to your theory again.

By Mr. Poh LY - Senior Physics Teacher.


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