I started my secondary school education in High School in 1970, the year a new Principal, Mr. Anandarajan arrived. He was a strict disciplinarian, and it was not unusual for him to have whole classed ... Prefects were empowered to carry out their duties.

His term as Principal (1970 to 1972) was a most colorful one indeed. Sports Day celebrations became more elaborate. Those who attended will always remember them. Houses competed to erect the most attractive facade; thousands of pigeons and balloons were released during the ceremony; fireworks closed the day. Many plays and exhibitions and concerts were staged. Events like a fun-fair and walkathon were held as a drive began to raise fund for the school hall. Many will remember the fun-fair of the '70 for the way the price of the nasi lemak .... We excelled in many sports - rugby, hockey, cricket, athletics, basketball - producing national players in these games.

A sense of belonging, to a society, a class, a House, the School, was instilled in the students. House T-shirts, school ties etc. were introduced to identify us as High School pupils. The fortnightly newsletter, 'Kaleidoscope' was eagerly bought up and read by staff and students alike.

1973 saw a change of Principal and Mr. Chan YT took over the running of the School. The School continued to uphold her high standard in both the academic and sports fields. 1973 - 1979 saw the School achieve academic excellence with high percentage passes in all the major examinations - LCE, MCE and HSC. We also had our share of students obtaining maximum distinctions. We continued to win quizzes and other such competitions. In 1976, High School came in 2nd in the National Mathematics Competition (HSC level) and one of our students won the individual prize in the Mathematics Olympiad (MCE level).

1976 was the School's 150th Anniversary and a play, a huge exhibition and a concert were held to celebrate the event. That year also saw one of the finest rugby teams in the School's history. Students came by the hundreds to cheer them at every match; band members even brought their drums and bugles to terrorize the oppositions !

The 1970s was as good a decade as any for the Malacca High School. 
.... continue @ the Optimist

School Captain 1976


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