The flame roars and crackles,
Like a hungry tiger in search of prey,
It devours past all obstacles,
Leaving a barren streak of gray.

He see the raging flame,
Testimony of Nature gone wild,
He sees a crying shame,
As he witness the destruction and vile.

Sadly, another flame is missing,
Amidst the death and turmoil,
One flame has been extinguished beyond saving,
It died under the pressure of human toil.

One flame to save it all,
One flame to stern the fall,
One flame to brighten hearts,
One flame to unite parts.

To create greater whole,
To build a stronger nation,
A great people strong and bold,
To overcome all corruption.

Yet, that flame is flame no more,
And the fire of death burns bright,
The fire is hot, yet chill at its core,
As it destroys everything in sight.

In the end everything perishes,
Man's siily castles and fleeting toys,
The Earth crumbles, death rushes,
Crushing false hopes and cheap joys.

Man was given everything,
And destroyed everything he had,
In the end, he has nothing,
When all that was good goes bad.

The flame swallows everything,
Nothing is spared,
He watches, tears streaming,
He has never been more sad.

He thought that His creation was good,
He trusted Man and his brood,
He thought that the beauty of the Earth,
Would Man love and cherish from birth.

He saw how wrong he was,
He saw that the Flame was gone,
He has to destroy all and cut His loss,
He has to herald in a new down.

Perhaps, Man may not be there to see the morn.

Tsc 4 Science 1

Page 150 72th Issue, the Optimist 1993


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