The Queen of People's Heart

31st of August 1997,
and the week after,
Are really gloomiest days,
The world ever had.

The world will mourn the loss,
For there was none like you both,
Who cared for the poor, the suffering,
and the dying,
With such kindness and generosity.

You both are like candles in the dark,
Brightening up our lives,
Touching everyone's heart,
Leaving smiles on our faces.

Mother Theresa and Princess Diana,
You both may have left us,
But your legends never will,
For it is too hard to forget your contributions.

You both are an inspiration,
We hope to follow your traditions,
And someday be the King of people's heart,
Just like you both are,
The Queen of people's hearts !

A special tribute by
Quah CE (4S1) Sept 1977
Malacca High School / Sekolah Tinggi Melaka


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