For the past year, HSLA has strived to upgrade the use of English in our school. In striving towards this objective, HSLA has organised activities such as;

  1. Form Three Inter-Class Debate 1988.
  2. Form Four Inter-Class Debate 1988.
  3. Lower Six Trivial Pursuit Quiz 1988.
  4. Form Four vs Form Five Inter-Class Debate 1989.
  5. HSLA English Essay Writing Competition 1989 opened to all the students during the First Term.
  6. HSLA join effort 1988-1989-1990 Newsletter.
The main reason behind the numerous debates is to select and to prepare the students for the annual Inter-Schools Debate of which our school has won for the past two years. We sincerely hope that this year's debate team will also successfully retain the title.

We regret that there was no inter-school drama competition held this year. However, the HSLA is planning to hold an inter-class drama competition. We are happy to announce that with the help of the Lower Sixes this year, we were able to get our newsletter of the ground. We hope that this will be a resounding success. Apart from contribution in hopes that it will at least help one child in this world.

In closing, we would like to thank our advisory board, including Mrs. Khoo who has left for Australia, for their invaluable guidance. Thanks to the continuous support of all HSLA members, we've had a wonderful year.


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