R.S. Mane - A former Teacher

Mr. R.S. Mane is one of the most respected teachers of the Malacca High School. He looks like a distinguished physicist to one who is fortunate enough to know him and his manner of speech all belie the intelligent mind of MHS's oldest Physics teacher. As such the Optimist decided to pursue with this elusive man and came up with this interview.
Q. Mr. Mane, I understand you will be retiring next year ?
A. Yes, I feel very sad to leave this school after serving it for such a long time.
Q. How long have you been in High School ?
A. I have been here for about 23 years. I started my teaching career here in October, 1953.
Q. Have you served in other schools before ?
A. No, I haven't.
Q. Based on whatever information you would have gathered, how does High School compare with other school ?
A. I cannot definitely answer this question but from what I heard from parents with their children in other schools, they would prefer their children to study in Malacca High School.
Q. What aspect of your teaching career in High School has been most satisfying ?
A. For me, I personally enjoy teaching young boys and girls to prepare them for their future career. This has indeed been a very gratifying experience.
Q. Which, in your opinion was or is the best batch of students ?
A. Malacca High School had a lot of good batches of student at various times. During the early years of my teaching in this school, during 1956 to 1957, there were quite a number of brilliant students. Many of them are well placed in life now.
Q. How do you compare the present batch of pupils to those of the past ?
A. It is very difficult to make such a comparison. There had always been very good students each year. For instance, one such good batch was in 1975.
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