He just couldn't get his eyes off her. Just what was it about this new girl in class that fascinated in him, that captured his every attention ? Was it the way that sparkle in her eyes when she would glance at him, one look would send him melting like hot wax. Could it possibly be how her hair glistened in the sun and waved gently in the wind ? He just couldn't understand it. But why, why this particular girl among so many ? He couldn't quite put his finger on it but there was definitely something about her that made her stand out majestically from the rest.

For weeks she invaded his every thought, his every dream. He tried so very hard not to look or think about her, but every time, his heart would betray his true feelings. Finally, he gave up. He just could not take it any more. He had to do something and quick. Plucking enough courage, he slyly slipped a little note into her bag, telling her to meet 'an old friend' out by the school gates after school ended.

So there he stood, waiting for her to appear. He was absolutely a shambled bundle of nerves. Just as he was contemplating returning home and to forget the whole matter, she came. The moment he laid eyes on her, he began to feel all hot and sweaty. He could swear a hundred butterflies fluttered in his stomach. When she came up to him (he was the only one there), he felt like a little kid meeting a girl for the first time. She looked at him with her sweet and innocent face queringly. He opened his mouth to say something but his vocal cords seemed to fail him. Both of them stood there looking at each other for what seemed like ages. Suddenly, he blurtted out; ' I love you '.

Realising what he had just said immediately, how he wished for the earth to open up and swallow him there and then and save him the embarrassment. The girl just smiled and said;

'I like you too but let's take it nice and easy alright.' He sighed with relief and shyly said; 'Alright.'



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