For the past year, HSLA has strived to upgrade the use of English in our school. In striving towards this objective, HSLA has orgaised activites such as :

1. Form 3 Inter-Class Debate 1988.
2. Form 4 Inter-Class Debate 1988.
3. Lower 6 Trivial Pursuit Quiz 1988
4. Form 4 versus Form 5 Inter-Class Debate 1989.
5. HSLA English Essay Writing Competition 1989 opened to all the students during the First Term.
6. HSLA join effort 1988 - 89 - 90 Newsletter.

The main reason behind the numerous debates is to select and to prepare the students for the annual Inter-School Debate of which our school has won for the past two years. We sincerely hope that his year's debators will also successfully retain the title.

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